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Gooseberry (Amla) Candy

Amla (Gooseberry) Candy

Your daily dose of vitamin C comes in the form of candy, healthier sweet, and a bit tangy in overall taste. Gooseberry is used in many forms throughout the year consume like Jam, Murraba, Chutney, Candy, or sauce. Winter comes with Amla but as the winter passes we miss our dose of Vitamin C and largely depend on supermarket product of gooseberry, those with artificial preservatives and not so good for individual health

Amla Candy is easy to make that you can make in a large quantity of daily dose for the whole year. Natural preservatives like sugar make it good for the whole family including young ones. They will find it like just another candy option.

My Kitchen.. My Recipe.. My Way.

  • Preparation Time 20 - 25 mins
  • Making Time 6 - 7 day


  • Gooseberry (amla)  500 gm (1/2 kg)
  • Sugar  300 gms
  • Lemon Juice  1 tbs
  • Sugar Powder  2 tbs


Healthier daily dose of vitamin C with natural preservatives and great taste with Gooseberry Candy

  • In a vessel, put water for boiling.
  • Drop amlas in the boiling water, boil them till their skin gets cracked.
  • Strain them and cut them into 4 pieces.
  • Keep amla slices in a bowl add sugar, add lemon juice and cover with a cloth and leave for 3 - 4 days.
  • Keep them in sunlight for 2 - 3 hrs regularly.
  • After 3 - 4 days strain them and keep the candies for drying.
  • Keep them in sunlight for 2 - 3 hrs regularly for 4 days.
  • Candies will be completely dried in 3 - 4 days, add 2 tbs of sugar powder to the candies. Amla Candies are ready !! 

Instant Kitchenette Tip

  • Adding lemon juice is a must to get a good color of candies.
  • Store in an airtight container for a longer period of time.


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